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Thinning Hair on Top of Head Female – Powerful Remedies

Female pattern hair loss, unlike in men, develops gradually and often starts with Thinning Hair on Top of Head Female. This condition is more common and can cause significant distress and a loss of confidence. So, what exactly happens, and how can women effectively address hair loss? Let’s explore the details

What’s Female Pattern Hair Loss?

Also known as androgenetic alopecia, female pattern hair loss is a hair loss condition affecting women. It usually starts with thinning of hair on top of the head, resulting in diffused thinning of hair on the crown. Some also experience receding hairline early on, though diffused thinning on top of one’s head is the most common symptom. It is usually hereditary and influenced by hormonal changes.

Causes of Thinning Hair

thinning hair on top of head female - causes

We all lose hair every day. But it’s a problem when it is more than the normal range and persists over a period of time. It can also lead to thinning hair. So, what are the causes you ask?

Whether it is male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, it’s usually a hereditary hair loss condition. But there could be other contributing factors. Let’s take a look at a few common causes for female pattern hair loss and why women lose hair.

Androgenic Alopecia

What do you think is common with men and women when talking about hair loss? Yes, androgenic alopecia, or female pattern baldness or male pattern baldness, is caused due to hereditary reasons. However, there could be other causes for this including stress and hormones.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones and women go hand in hand. Don’t they? Is it any wonder hormonal imbalance is a causative factor for hair loss? Of course, not. Turns out, hormonal imbalances can cause thinning and hair loss in women.

One example is PCOS, which is quite a common condition in women these days. Even thyroid disease is related to hormones, you know that right? What about menopause, perimenopause, even childbirth? All these can trigger thinning and hair loss due to changes in estrogen levels. That’s why any hair loss treatment for women starts with checking their hormonal levels!


How many of you thought stress could be a causative factor of female pattern baldness? Even male pattern hair loss is aggravated or triggered by stress. It’s considered one of the major factors, yet has slowly become an inherent part of our lives!

What can we do? Learning stress management techniques can not only keep hair on our head, it could also keep us healthy. Want to combat female pattern baldness? Hair Loss? Improve hair growth? Managing stress is the key for most!

Health & Health Conditions

Our health determines everything in our body, right? How can our hair be exempted? Have you seen your hair lustrous and shiny when you’re hale, happy and healthy? Since hair is not considered as one of the main organ systems in our body, only excess nutrients, that is after all the other essential organs and organ systems are taken care of, go to our hair. Want lustrous hair? Want to treat hair loss? Want to combat female pattern baldness? Make sure you’re healthy and hearty!


Also, some health conditions can affect our hair. Did you know hair loss can be triggered by nutrient deficiencies?

Medications & Treatment

Even certain medications and medical treatments can trigger hair loss or curb hair growth. Examples include steroids, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, etc. Certain health conditions can even contribute to hair loss or thinning.

One of my relatives only experienced hair thinning especially on top of their head and an overall reduction in strand thickness during chemotherapy. Another person I know lost their hair completely and it grew back again after the treatment concluded. It’s not the same for everyone, I guess. Heh!

Hair Styling & Care

Hair styling is part and parcel of our lives these days. Gone are the days where styling was reserved for a select few. However, this has its downsides.

Improper Hair Care

Not probably on the top of your list, is it? Did you know improper hair care practices can damage your hair and cause drying or thinning? Harsh shampoos or other chemical-laden hair products could lead to excessive hair fall or thinning.

Did you know using a lot of products can also contribute? Even if everything you use is natural, if you use multiple products that are not needed, they will harm your hair! Identify what routine works for your hair and follow it for best results.

What about washing your hair way too often? Even then it can damage your hair. Whether it causes female pattern baldness or not, it could definitely contribute to hair damage, hair loss and thinning. Isn’t it?

Heat & Styling Treatments

Excessive coloring, or heat treatments like straightening, relaxing or perming, all take a toll on the hair. Even using a hair dryer can affect our hair adversely due to the usage of heat.

Tight Hairstyles

What about damaging hair styles? Hairstyles that pull your hair up and tight can really damage your hair. Have you heard of traction alopecia? It’s typically due to damaging hair styles. Have you noticed receding hairline is common with those going for hairstyles that pull up hair tight?


There are times when our body and mind go through a lot. It could be due to various factors. Trauma as it can otherwise be called, happens due to a sudden loss of a loved one, a breakup or crisis in a relationship, a serious health condition, surgery, sudden upheavals like in the case of a pregnancy, delivery, etc.

Typically, trauma causes stress predominantly, but there’s more. During such scenarios, hair loss happens the most. This usually reverses once the problem is resolved, or normalcy is restored.

While some might seem like general hair loss triggers, it is important to understand one can trigger the other. It’s not always the case, but it can happen.


Reading through all the risk factors, contributing factors and more would have given you an idea of how things can go wrong. Isn’t it? The key is to avoid damaging practices whenever you can.

Take good care of your health and hair. This can prevent numerous issues, or reduce damage or aftereffects in some. Did you know even those who are into styling, face lesser issues when they do damage control for their hair? Caring for hair is extremely important for this very reason. Don’t you think so? Give your hair the TLC it needs and it does!


thinning hair on top of head female - remedies

Depending on the causative factor or the root cause, trying natural remedies can help combat female pattern baldness, hair loss, hair thinning, etc.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies are my top choice for any issues. There’s a remedy in nature and it is not only cheaper, it’s also free from adverse effects. Don’t know what the remedy is? That’s where specialists come in, isn’t it?

Saw Palmetto

Did you know Saw Palmetto works like a DHT blocker? DHT is often the trigger behind hair loss in women. Did you know it’s often the culprit behind female pattern baldness?

Green Tea

Rich in polyphenols, green tea is recommended to combat hair loss and improve hair growth.

Essential Oils

There are many essential oils including Rosemary, which have been used to treat various hair and scalp issues, including hair loss and thinning.

Certain herbs, oils and other measures can be taken up to help curb hair loss in women and prevent hair thinning.

Scalp Massage

A nourishing and nurturing scalp massage done regularly is said to help curb hair loss, scalp issues and improve hair health and growth. It’s one of my favorite pre-shower routines and I love to use a blend of warm oils that I sometimes change every other week.

It is one of the best ways to stimulate scalp circulation and ensure nourishment of your hair follicles. It’s a natural way to keep your hair and scalp healthy and has been used for ages.

Hair Care

Caring for your hair is very important to keep your hair follicles nourished, curb hair loss and thinning, combat female pattern baldness and more. A specialist can help you with a routine that would work best for you.

Here at Vitamins Revive, many come wanting to know how to deal with female pattern hair loss or other hair or scalp issues. We recommend reducing or avoiding any damaging habits that you may have to curb damage. That’s one way to avoid several issues before they even crop up. They say prevention is the best cure, right? It’s not without a reason!

Hair loss could be curbed with the right hair care efforts. Have you seen any improvement when you make simple changes?

Diet & Lifestyle Changes

Needless to say, our lifestyle and diet have a role to play with our hair health. While many don’t think female pattern baldness has anything to do with diet or lifestyle, the truth is it does! At least, you can prevent symptoms from becoming worse, or delay an issue by making simple changes in our diet or lifestyle.


What else do you think will help? We’re all going through one thing or the other, and live in a fast-paced world. But the thing is – you can make a difference and delay or prevent or curb issues including female pattern baldness.

Want to curb hair loss or stimulate hair growth? Want to keep your scalp healthy? Want to keep your hair follicles healthy? Did you try any remedies or modern remedial measures? Did anything help with your hair loss? What do you think might help?


Any risk factors for androgenetic alopecia?

As mentioned earlier, hair thinning in women is predominantly due to genetic factors. If female pattern baldness is prevalent in the family, it’s more likely to continue. Hair thinning on the top of a woman’s head is related to alopecia.

Can hair loss trigger thinning on top of the head in women?

Anything that can cause excessive hair loss can also lead to thinning on top of one’s head. Notice excessive hair shedding? Consult a specialist to identify the root cause and address it. It need not necessarily be female pattern baldness.

Can styling cause excessive hair loss or thinning?

Excessive heat or styling treatments and certain hair care practice could be contributing factors. While female pattern baldness is not often linked to hair styling, stress is directly related to it. These practices can put your hair under a lot of stress, right? Think about it!

What are some modern options to treat female pattern baldness or hair loss?

Low level light therapy, hair transplant or medications like minoxidil or spironolactone are suggested by experts, depending on the causes and other factors. But trying natural remedies is something you can consider. 

thinning hair on top of head female - causes and remedies
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