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10 Powerful Hair Growth Solutions for Women

When facing hair loss or female pattern baldness, one way to go is to promote hair growth. The good news is there are natural options for women that work. What are the hair growth solutions for women and how do they work? Want to find out?

Understanding Female Hair Loss

Before moving on to promoting hair growth, understanding more about female pattern hair loss can give us a perspective.

What is Female Pattern Hair Loss?

Female pattern baldness as it’s also called, is one of the most common hair loss conditions in women. This type of alopecia can be hereditary or can be due to hormones, a health condition or aging. Unlike male pattern baldness, the normal hair pattern is usually retained with an overall loss of hair and gradual thinning.

Causes of Hair Loss

So, what causes hair loss in women? Unlike alopecia areata, androgenic alopecia is a condition that’s genetic and largely predetermined by your genes. It could be anytime after puberty, characterized by scattered loss of hair and hair thinning. The key causative factors are:

Hereditary hair loss coupled with aging is the key trigger. It can also be influenced or triggered by a health condition or stress. Left unchecked it could result in permanent hair loss.

Some choose to ignore or mask the issue by changing hair styles, or wearing accessories like scarves, hats, etc. This way, androgenetic alopecia would run its course, though by opting for hair loss treatments hair shedding can be curbed and recourse measures to encourage growth or regrowth can be taken up .

Recommended Solutions for Women to Promote Growth & Regrowth of Hair

Are there natural ways to curb hair loss and promote growth and regrowth of hair? Is there a recourse for pattern hair loss in women? What can be done?

These are common questions we all have. Hair loss is disheartening for anyone, but a reality for many. With a lot of changes in our way of life, even youngsters face hair loss these days. So, what are the options to combat hair loss in women? Let’s explore!

Natural Remedies to Stimulate Growth and Regrowth of Hair

Whenever we have any issues, looking into what our ancestors did gives us an insight of how they handled things the natural way. Isn’t it?

Onion Juice

Smell aside, did you know onion juice not only combats hair loss, but stimulates not just growth but also regrowth of new hair? Yes, not just that, our ancestors have also used it to combat receding hairline and baldness. Why not give it a try?

The best way to go is applying onion to your scalp and let it sit for 25 minutes or more before washing off. Do it at least twice a week. You can consider adding onion hair oil to your hair routine to compliment onion juice application on your scalp.

There are studies that back onion for treating alopecia, improve scalp circulation and promote healthier hair follicle development and growth.

Castor Oil

Thinning hair is one of the problems with female pattern baldness. Castor oil has been proven to make hair thicker and stronger. It is also used to make hair darker and promote hair regrowth.

While there is not much evidence to prove it helps with growth or regrowth it’s been in use for centuries for hair care. The ricinoleic fatty acids in this oil promotes scalp circulation, which in turn helps improve growth rate. If it does, it’s great. Otherwise you can use it to combat thinning! Heh!

You can use it as a pre-shower massage oil for your scalp. I usually add it with coconut oil or olive oil for my massage. I let it sit for at least 30 minutes before washing off.

castor oil for hair growth solution

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of my favorites when it comes to hair care. It offers loads of hair benefits but is considered as an excellent natural hair loss treatment. It helps unblock hair follicles, thus improving hair health and growth.

It can be applied to our scalp twice a week for best results. It can be used as a leave-in too, when combined with essential oils.

Essential Oils

There are many essential oils that are used to treat hair loss, strengthen thinning hair, promote better growth, etc. Two key essential oils used to treat hair loss in women and men are Rosemary and Lemon Essential Oils to promote growth and improve scalp health.

Besides these, Geranium, Basil, Lavender, Cedarwood, Peppermint, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Tea Tree Oil and other essential oils are used widely. Even Vitamins Revive Hair Care products include essential oils for their results. I usually add a few drops of chosen essential oils to light carrier oils like sweet almond oil or argan oil and use it as a leave-in.

Carrier Oils

Not only are carrier oils important to use essential oils, they also have benefits of their own.

Let’s take coconut oil for example. Rich in lauric acid, coconut oil penetrates our hair shaft and protects it from protein loss. Studies proven applying coconut oil can enrich the microbiome of our scalp, which makes our follicles and scalp healthier.

Sweet Almond Oil is a popular choice to promote growth and curb hair loss. Not only is it light and can be used as a leave-in, I also liked how it improved my texture and growth rate. My hair loss is considerably reduced with regular usage.

Identify the Root Cause

Sometimes, hair loss could be due to an underlying health condition or issue. For example, I have noticed hair loss whenever I had dandruff, or dryness of the scalp. Inflammation can also contribute to hair loss in women.

Not just scalp issues, even external factors like pollution, stress or hormonal imbalance can trigger hair loss. Identifying and eliminating the trigger or root cause is one way to combat hair loss. Not sure what’s the root cause? Try consulting a specialist!

Scalp Massage

Scalp massage is a proven way to combat hair loss in women or men. I prefer a pre-shower oil massage routine as a way to nourish my hair and scalp, while also relaxing. It’s a great way to encourage hair growth, improve scalp and hair health and nurture your hair. Do you love a good pre-shower massage or prefer leave-in serums in your routine?


Acupuncture or other alternative treatment methods including Reflexology have all been sought after to treat hair loss in women and men. Did you know many have seen good results with alternative therapies for androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata or other hair related issues?

Lifestyle Changes

Identifying the root cause of a problem and eliminating possible causes or triggers is the first step to resolving a problem. Fighting off androgenic alopecia or other hair loss issues is no different.

For example, stress management is important for everyone considering the hectic and fast-paced lifestyle we lead these days. However, it’s more important for those combatting hair loss or other issues.

Having an active lifestyle, including regular exercising and having a hair care routine and other changes as needed, can be suggested by a specialist. Sometimes, consulting a specialist helps get a different perspective of things.

Alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia or even other hair loss or growth related issues, and whatnot! Experts are there for a reason. Not only when you’re in doubt, even to come up with a routine or look at things from a different angle, their guidance can come in handy.

TLC for Your Hair

Sometimes we don’t think our hair needs the TLC it deserves. It could be due to lack of time or whatever, or just taking things for granted. Our hair needs gentle and loving care too. Consider switching to mild and gentle hair care products even if you don’t have time for DIY.

Go the DIY Way

Have you considered DIY remedies for your hair and scalp? There are many natural options including the ones listed here to combat hair and scalp woes. If you have the inclination and the time, it’s the best way to ensure the ingredients you use are natural and chosen well. When you don’t have time for DIY, consider opting for natural and mild products for your needs.

Other Modern Options

There are times when modern innovations can make our life better. When conventional methods don’t come through, modern options are the way to go. Today, there are many options when considering hair loss treatments.

There are topical medications and drugs like Finasteride, Minoxidil or even Spironolactone that help combat hair loss in women. All these drugs are FDA approved and an option when natural supplements or remedies aren’t enough to curb hair loss.

Hair transplants are chosen or recommended especially for those facing permanent hair loss. Low level laser therapy is another option for some to improve hair growth, density and curb hair loss. For some plasma rich injections might be an option.

Only a specialist will be able to guide on what’s ideal or suitable for you. This is where we shouldn’t shy away from consulting a professional. They’re there for a reason! Also, there are tests when it comes to diagnosing the type of hair loss, etc. These help eliminate guesswork from the equation.

Not just these, there are other emerging hair treatment options to curb hair loss and improve growth. Do you know some treatments help improve the health of hair follicles? After all, a lot is riding on the health of our hair follicles, so keeping it hearty and healthy is important.

Hair Growth Solutions for Women


This is only an overview on possible options but these are not the only ones available to you. Choosing natural methods to combat hair loss in women means no harmful or adverse side effects.

It’s always better to go the natural route whenever you can. Give it a few weeks and see if hair loss curbs and the growth rate improves. However, if you don’t see any improvement or if your hair loss worsens, consult a professional immediately.

What else do you think will help? What do you think is the way to go? Go with what you feel works for you best and get the help of a professional when needed.


Hair loss and thinning – are they the same?

While the terms are often used interchangeably, both are different conditions. While one can trigger the other and vice versa, hair loss is more about losing hair. On the other hand, thinning hair is where the density and thickness of hair strands reduce.

What’s the difference between hair loss in women and men?

While hair loss is more apparent in men and often leads to partial or complete baldness, hair loss in women is more of a gradual thinning of hair and loss in volume and density. It doesn’t lead to baldness in women as a rule.

It is possible to promote new hair growth?

Yes, it is possible to regrow hair especially when you have healthy hair follicles. Certain natural remedies can be used for the same, though you can consult a professional to see what’s best for you.

Do supplements help combat hair loss or improve hair density?

There are supplements that help combat hair loss in women and men, improve hair health and growth and more. While supplements have always been used, it’s better to consult a professional to know more about the right dosage or ideal supplements.

Can everyone take supplements for hair?

Taking hair supplements is safe for most. However, there could be exceptions for everything, even natural remedies. It is important to consult a professional especially for those who are taking medications, or on immunosuppressants, etc. Also, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding it’s not good to take supplements or drugs without the guidance of your doctor.

Is androgenetic alopecia treatable?

With innovations there are ways to delay or prevent or curb androgenetic alopecia and improve hair regrowth. Lifestyle changes can help offset the damage to a certain extent. Yes, it is considered permanent but there are options to combat hair loss. 

10 Powerful Hair Growth Solutions for Women
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