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The Proven Link Between Saw Palmetto and Female Hair Loss

Saw Palmetto has been in use as a natural remedy for a few centuries, but recently gaining popularity as a hair loss aid. What’s the connection between saw palmetto and female hair loss? Does it really help combat hair loss in women? Is it safe for women to consume it? What does it really do, let’s find out!

What is Saw Palmetto?

Before delving more into the uses and benefits of Saw Palmetto for hair let’s understand more about it. Saw Palmetto is a small palm tree that grows in the United States. Its short stature earned it the name American Dwarf Palm Tree. The fruit or berries from palmetto tree is used for its medicinal purposes.

It’s more known for ensuring prostate health, but has other uses too. Saw palmetto is available in different forms, including as supplements, dried powder, extracts and even in numerous products for topical application.

Saw Palmetto Fruits

Medicinal Uses

Saw Palmetto has been used by Native Americans for treating reproductive disorders, prostate enlargement, improving prostate health and few other health issues. It is widely used to combat UTI, sexual dysfunction in men, certain urinary symptoms, enlarged prostate and to regulate hormone levels. Did you know it was used to improve urinary tract function and address urinary tract issues related to prostate enlargement?

Did you know it is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia? Benign prostatic hyperplasia is when there’s prostate enlargement, but it is not cancerous. There are many studies on using Saw Palmetto for improving prostate health and treating enlarged prostate and has been in use for the same for ages.

Hair Benefits

It is recommended by experts to combat hair thinning, hair loss, improve hair density and growth, hair regeneration, etc. Many have reported improvement when using Saw Palmetto. Using Saw Palmetto combats inflammatory gene expression that’s common with human keratinocytes. An example for this is sudden hair loss triggered by inflammation like in telogen effluvium.

Did you know it is used to treat androgenetic alopecia? It stimulates the vascular endothelial growth factor to boost circulation to follicles. While there’s not enough scientific evidence or research done on the benefits for women, many have seen positive results when using palmetto berries as a natural remedy.

So, What are the Hair Benefits of Saw Palmetto?

Studies show that Saw palmetto can help combat female pattern hair loss. We all know androgenetic alopecia causes female and male pattern hair loss respectively. Saw Palmetto can help combat it. Undoubtedly, there are more studies done on male pattern hair loss using Saw Palmetto.

But there’s enough studies and testimonies to show it helps women combat androgenic alopecia, too. That’s not all. Studies have shown that it helps with hair growth. Participants noted an increase in hair growth rate during the trials. Even the texture seems to improve with its usage.

Hormonal hair loss is quite common in women. It could be due to menopause, pregnancy, post-delivery and even during other times where hormone levels are all over the place. Saw Palmetto can help treat hair loss triggered due to hormonal imbalance.

We all know DHT is the hormone responsible for hair loss in both men and women. 5-alpha reductase is the hormone that’s responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. Saw Palmetto acts as a DHT blocker and prevents hair loss and thinning triggered due to this hormone. In other words, it essentially stops it from converting testosterone.

We all know our locks are only as healthy as our hair follicles. By strengthening our hair follicles, Saw Palmetto not only improves our hair health, it also improves hair growth, strengthens and improves hair density.

How Does Saw Palmetto Work?

Saw Palmetto is like an all-rounder when it comes to our hair health and one of the more popular herbal remedies these days. Isn’t it? But how and why exactly does this work?

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia or androgenic alopecia is the most common hair loss condition in both men and women. It is more common in men than in women, but women are not exempted. It is just different and less obvious in women. Also called pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia is often a response to androgen hormone.

Did you know DHT levels also play a key role in Androgenetic Alopecia? DHT levels decide the level of hair loss one will endure. Yes, as a DHT Blocker, Palmetto supplements also come in and help with hair restoration and hair regrowth when combatting androgenic alopecia.

Using a combination of oral and topical saw palmetto oil administration in a placebo controlled trial, study showed there’s a significant reduction in hair loss and improvement in hair growth.

DHT Blocker

5-alpha reductase is the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. We all know DHT is the hormone responsible for not only hair loss but also thinning of strands. Did you know that? As if hair loss alone is not a problem, hair thinning and even stunted growth add a sprinkling of more woes for optimum impact!

Not just hair loss, increased DHT is also the reason behind reduced hair growth cycle duration and promotes the growth of shorter and thinner strands. While higher testosterone levels can improve hair growth, increased DHT will trigger hair loss. So, it’s a double whammy that 5 alpha reductase delivers unless stopped, right?

Did you know our body produces DHT by converting testosterone? By taking Saw palmetto you can increase testosterone levels and bring down DHT , naturally. Yes, in other words, it blocks 5 alpha reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. Reducing DHT levels can also prevent hair loss.

Strengthening Hair Follicles

Saw Palmetto strengthens our hair follicles and our locks becomes thicker and stronger. This means, our locks are healthier and stronger with the intake of Saw Palmetto. Healthier follicles mean improved hair nourishment and growth.

Our hair is only as strong as our hair follicles and also, they play a key role in hair growth. In other words, Saw Palmetto also helps with hair restoration if you think about it! Many reported increase in total hair count with it’s usage.

Hormone Regulation

Women and hormone imbalance go hand in hand. We have to agree most women have hormonal imbalance or have experienced it at some point in their lives. It’s almost impossible not to have, considering even stress can trigger it. That’s not the only factor for hormone imbalance though it is very common for everyone to experience stress.

Did you know Saw Palmetto regulates hormones that are responsible for hair thinning and hair fall? When the root cause is addressed, the problem is taken care of. Also, with the reduction of these problems, hair volume improves. Hair restoration at its best, heh? Even the overall hair quality improves.

women hormone regulation


Did you saw palmetto is rich in anti inflammatory properties? As an anti-inflammatory, Saw Palmetto reduces inflammation related issues making the scalp and hair healthier. Yes, inflammation also results in hair and scalp issues curbing growth rate. It is one of the most overlooked factors that cause further hair loss.

Did you know inflammation can trigger sudden loss of hair (Telogen effluvium)? The anti inflammatory properties are probably behind palmetto’s efficacy in dealing with inflammation.

Hair Growth

Women who participated in the clinical trials or double blind studies also noted an increase in hair count with Saw Palmetto supplementation. This also shows that it can aid in hair growth, though it could also be a sign of hair regrowth. Combatting hair loss is important, but also boosting hair health and growth can help in more ways than one.

Other Benefits

Did you think the list is getting over? Apparently not! We’re still not done listing the good things Saw Palmetto can do for our locks. We all know Saw Palmetto exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Did you know scalp inflammation is often the reason for eczema, dandruff and other scalp issues? And yes, it can eventually lead to hair loss! Saw Palmetto helps offset inflammation related issues.

That’s not all. The antioxidant property curbs free radical damage. Oxidative stress is again the reason for hair loss in many cases. Saw Palmetto can help reduce oxidative stress and combat free radical damage.

Additionally, Saw Palmetto works to improve the overall health of our locks. There’s an improvement in hair density and texture. Patients treated with Saw Palmetto noticed an increase in their hair count and thickness.

Can Women Use Saw Palmetto for Female Hair Loss?

This is a perfectly reasonable doubt considering most researchers point out its use for male centric issues including male androgenetic alopecia. In other words, it is mostly men treated with saw palmetto. However, while the studies are minimal, it isn’t nil. Not only are there few studies, many women have also shared that they have seen positive change after taking Saw Palmetto for hair loss.

Nearly half women experience hair loss, while most at least have a brush with it at some point in their lives. Even so, the patterns are different in men and women. While men experience hair loss that’s more visible and they lose patches of hair and experience baldness at some level, it is more subtle in women. In women it’s more a loss of volume and thinning of hair, may be receding hairline and there’s overall reduction in hair volume. Bald patches are not that common in women and the hair loss itself is slow and not abrupt. It’s also not as visible or apparent as in men.

Even so, losing hair is a painful and heartbreaking thing for women. Considered as our crowning glory, our confidence seems to rely on our hair a lot. Have you ever felt your hair is not good and wanted to stay curled in? It happened to me when I experienced excessive hair loss.

Saw Palmetto can come in handy to curb hair loss and promote hair growth. It also improves hair quality by keeping hair and scalp healthy. Women choosing it to combat self perceived hair thinning saw positive changes.

Did you know it can promote healthy levels of androgen hormone in women? Thanks to the hormone regulation property of Saw Palmetto it helps combat hair loss in women. Not just that, some also noticed hair regrowth, which sounds promising. It is safe for women to take Saw Palmetto in recommended dosages, for a duration as recommended by your expert.

Dosage and Side Effects of Saw Palmetto

Everything boils down to the right usage of any ingredient. Right? Saw Palmetto is no exception. In most cases, 320 mg a day is considered safe for most. However, it is important to consult a specialist to not only determine the right dosage, but to check if or not it is safe or ideal for you!

Most trials have shown Saw Palmetto is well tolerated by those taking it. However, some did experience stomach or mild headaches, though it is rare. It’s also suspected that Saw Palmetto can interact with certain drugs, especially hormone replacement drugs or blood thinners.

Another factor to consider is the effect of Saw Palmetto on our hormones. It is a possibility that it can interact with birth control pills, or hormone treatments, etc. For this reason and if you’re taking any medication, it’s important to consult a professional before taking Saw Palmetto for hair loss.

How to Use Saw Palmetto for Hair?

While we’re predominantly talking about Saw Palmetto supplements, that’s not the only way to incorporate Saw Palmetto into your routine. It is available as supplements with or without other ingredients, and also available for topical use in the form of hair care products that include Saw Palmetto.

While some fear supplementation, they might be OK with using it topically. Also, a specialist might recommend what works for you best. It is best to consult them when in doubt to know the right approach for your needs.

DIY Saw Palmetto Recipes for Hair Loss

There are different ways to use Saw Palmetto for hair loss. As noted earlier, there are different ways to incorporate Saw Palmetto in your routine. I absolutely loved combining topical application along with the supplements.

Scalp Massage Blends Using Oil

The easiest way to prepare your own massage blend is to add a few drops of Saw Palmetto oil to your chosen massage oil for a pre-shower scalp massage. It’s a good idea to wrap your head with a hot towel while you wait for the massage to work its magic. Don’t forget to air dry your hair after washing, you don’t want to waste your efforts by using a hair dryer!

Take 4 – 6 drops of Saw Palmetto Oil for a Tablespoon of Olive or Sweet Almond Oil. Slightly warm it up and massage your scalp with the blend and let it sit for 25 minutes or longer before washing off.

Pumpkin seed oil is a great DHT blocker and combines well with Saw Palmetto oil. If you can get it, you can add a few drops of it to your blend for a boost. You can either use Pumpkin seed oil or combine it with other oils for a pre-shower scalp massage.

Jaborandi oil is another alternative medicine that’s used for hair loss. Popularly called Arnica, this oil works wonders for your hair. You can combine that with Saw Palmetto Oil for your massage. Take a spoon of Arnica oil for a spoon of Saw Palmetto oil and massage your scalp with the blend. Wait for an hour or more before washing off your hair.

I love adding a few drops of Castor Oil to promote hair regrowth. Since it is a dense oil combining it with oils makes it easier to apply. You can combine it with olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, etc. You can also use a blend of different oils or even use your hair oil as your base for the massage.

Using Saw Palmetto Extract

Saw Palmetto extract is another option you can consider if you’re not a fan of oil massage. This is a lighter variation and ideal for those with oily hair or scalp. All you have to do is add 4 – 5 drops of the extract for a spoon of warm water and massage your scalp with it. Let it sit for an hour before washing off, though you can also use it as a leave-in.


This gives us an idea of Saw Palmetto and how it helps combat hair loss and other hair issues. The benefits are why it is one of the key ingredients in the Vitamins Revive Hair Growth Vitamins kit. Coupled with other beneficial ingredients, it’s a comprehensive hair growth solution and ideal for those who don’t have time to DIY their way to lustrous and healthy hair.

As we always say, try home remedies and DIY solutions for any issue you might have but don’t wait for longer before seeking help. Getting help at the right time is the key to reversing or curbing issues or preventing them from getting out of hand. We all love our hair and want it to be healthy. Right? When things don’t seem to change and your hair loss persists, seek professional help.


Who Should Not Take Saw Palmetto?

Like any oral supplement, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Oral formulations are also not recommended for the elderly or those taking certain medications including immunosuppressants. Others can safely take it, though it is important to consult a specialist to know the right dosage and other information.

How Long Does it Take for Saw Palmetto to Work?

The duration and results vary slightly with individuals. However, give it anywhere from 4 – 8 weeks from the time you start taking it before you can see results. Unlike topical medications the results won’t be quick, but it does reduce hair loss and the side-effects are minimal.

Can I Use Saw Palmetto Topically for Hair Loss?

Yes, you can use saw palmetto to prevent hair loss. If you’re worried about supplementing, or advised against it, you can consider topical formulations to prevent or reduce hair loss.

What Should Women Consider Before They Take Saw Palmetto?

Most women can safely take Saw Palmetto supplements except those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you’re on some sort of hormone therapy or birth control pills, it’s important to consult your doctor before taking it as a supplement. Due to the hormone-like action of Saw Palmetto, it can interfere or render birth control pills useless by reducing estrogen and androgen receptors.

What are the Options for Saw Palmetto?

Saw Palmetto is available as dried berries, liquid extract or botanical extract, oral supplements in the form of tablets or capsules and dried powder. Tablet form is widely available and used for research or trials. Palmetto berries tea isn’t as effective as there are fatty acids that aren’t soluble in water. Even so, consult a specialist to know what’s ideal for you. Also, choose products that are free from synthetic ingredients.

How Long Can You Leave Topical Saw Palmetto on Your Hair?

When using Saw Palmetto topically you can let it sit for an hour or more. You can even leave it overnight, when using it as a serum or as a leave-in conditioner. I love using Saw Palmetto as a leave-in for treating hair loss. The results were better when combining topical application with supplements. 

Saw Palmetto and Female Hair Loss
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